Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
Latest creation
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Richard's Birthday.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
I am a princess :)

Sunday, December 11, 2011
Christmas is Coming
I've told my family that Christmas needs to be chill, and whatever causes too much stress needs to go. House lights? optional... Tree? optional.... Baking cookies for the neighbors? optional. I want these things to happen, but not just because we always do it, but because it's beautiful in the moment. It's time to be happy during Christmas, not just on Christmas. If it's not working for us we postpone it or decide if it's something that works for us this year.
In Sanskrit there is a word, Desha ( daa-sha), that means right place or the term Sadha Desha which means a place to reclaim that which is divine in us. Understanding Desha can help us reclaim the spirit of the season. Instead of turning our senses off, turn them up! and then listen to the answers.
Is this the right environment for me to be in? Is this space enhancing my ability to enjoy the season or is it creating stress? Do I realize the true nature of who I am? or does my holiday rely on others being happy with what I give them? Can I recognize what is beautiful and sacred within me so the "perfect, meaningful gift" isn't so significant?
Re-evaluate what really works for you. And then have a happy season, not just a happy day!
Joyous Noel,
Corena Hammer
It helped me remember I DO like Christmas. I just like Christmas on my terms. The first is which is Christmas starts midway into December. Just like it did my entire childhood. We would always start the celebrations a week or two after Ben's Birthday (Dec 1st). Happy with my new approach to the season I started out by buying some tangerines and eggnog. Then on Saturday Richard and I had a fun time at his work's Holiday Party. And Finally tonight I tidied up the house, put on some Celtic Christmas Music and had the most wonderful time decorating for Christmas! I have a red berry wreath (leftover from the party) on the door, the Nativity set up, Lights in the window, the Tree out of the box and fluffed. And when Richard gets home we will decorate it together :) Here is a sneak peak:
So no matter what Holiday you find yourself celebrating this December I hope you can have a happy season and not just a happy day.
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011
BEACH TRIP!!! (caution this may be really long)