We found a New Beach! It is really pretty and has one of the healthiest coral reefs we have seen so far on the island!
Here are some of the awesome fish we have found while exploring them.
(these are all pictures Richard has taken!)
The bigger of the 3 below with the yellow nose, we are pretty sure is a female Bird Wrasse
Hawaiian Cleaner Wrasse
I think this is a Blue Spined Unicorn Fish (can you see the awesome blue accents on its tail?)
AH! Speckled moray eel! check out those chompers!
The coloration of this guy makes my head spin, it is really hard for me to get my eyes to focus when I see them in the water. The spots are white with a fluorescent blue outline. It is a Hawaiian White Spotted Toby or Puffer.
Here is a nice shot of the reef, the colors are much more vibrant in person.
And guess who is hiding under this rock?
A sleepy little turtle:
And this is one I like to call Rainbow fish:
I think it may be a type of Coris?
Here is a fun game... Can you find 2 fish in this picture?
Look really carefully:
Here is another couple of shots of it. It is a juvenile rock mover wrasse. It looks and acts just like a loose piece of seaweed.
It is so different from the adult fish that for a long time they were classified as two separate species!
Here is a video of how it swims:
The current is pretty fast here. I edited this video so this is actually 50% slower than the original and it still makes me sick to watch! (when I upload this it kinda messes up the quality of the first 10-15 seconds, not sure why, but it gets less pixelated as after that, at least it does on my end let me know how it plays for you guys)
We finally got a good picture of a cornet fish. This one was about 2.5 feet long (they get up to 4 feet!)
This little guy is colored like a clown fish but is actually a juvenile Yellow Tale Coris:
And another lovely green sea turtle:
I'm considering framing this picture! I'm really impressed with how well it turned out!
I'm not sure even what category of fish this one is:
This one is a box fish.
A 'regular' colored Dancer
I'm not sure if these are the same species as the other 'rainbow fish' but I also call these rainbow fish.
My lack of naming ability is somewhat pathetic as I also call this guy a rainbow fish:
Here are some beautiful Hawaiian Dascyllus:
and hold on to your knickers everybody!
If you want to be horrified look up Barracuda bites, those things have made hamburger meat out of many a fisherman's arm. Luckily this was a just little guy and Richard wasn't threatening him so he just swam away :)
Also there is a great surf spot right off shore so I'm going to take my board and do some practicing soon!
I will take some scenery pics next time we are up there so you can see the lovely beach, too.