Its been a weird June. Richard is back on nights. My brother's are back in California with no cell reception. My mom moved to a place in Canada with no phone service at all yet and unreliable internet. I've been repeatedly rejected (or just plain ignored) for job after job even with a bachelors degree. I applied for a passport card and that was rejected too. Evidently the birth certificate I have is the wrong type. The right type is somewhere in a box in Canada. All I seem to accomplish each week make the house look nice once or twice and going to work 3 times a week for a few hours at my daycare job that I am totally burnt out on. I try searching for more job openings. It always starts out hopeful:
Yep I've got that degree
Yep I'm great with that software
Yep I've used that machinery
Yep I've got training in that field
on and on down the list I nail every requirement. Then all my excitement whooshes out of me as I read the very last sentence: "Applicants with less than 5 years industry experience will NOT be considered."
These circumstances have left me with little to no motivation.
Finally I just give up and I just waste time flipping through late night television waiting for Richard to get off work. This was my June. I had no real sleep schedule, I felt completely alone in the universe and depression was running rampant.
However, this is NOT a sob post! This is a post about the solution!
This last week everything changed and it changed because I said YES.
I forget when I'm being self pitying that I have friends. And not just any friends I have AWESOME friends. Friends who have been asking me to do things with them for 4 years but I have been too busy to take them up on the offer. Once I got free time though I forgot to change my answer from no to yes. Until now.
Last week I chose to say YES to:
Going for a walk
Going tanning
Taking a Zumba class
Watching Tangled in the park
Going to see the Flying Ninjas
Getting a free massage
Going to the hospital and holding my new born niece
Going dancing
It was amazing! The first two always help me get out of my funk and are probably what helped me say YES to the rest. I'm going to write about each of the others individually because they were all such a fun and unique adventure.
I've been telling my friend Abbie no to Zumba over and over. Her sister teaches it in the evenings. Finally on Weds I said, "OK, fine YES I'll go!" IT WAS SOOO MUCH FUN! It was yet another reminder of how horrifically out of shape I am. I seriously almost passed out. But it was such a great time. I haven't really listened to Spanish rap since I moved away from California and thats what this mostly was. A couple of girls doing hilarious dance moves together to Daddy Yankee and the like. It was a party! When class was over all the girls invited me to go to Club Hotel and go dancing with them on Saturday and I said YES!

Well I don't have work on Thursday so I ended up just sleeping with Richard all day. We woke up just with enough time to get him dressed, fed, and out the door. And there I was again alone in my little basement. I started to feel so sad, lonely and disappointed with myself for another day wasted. Then I remembered Katie telling me that if I ever wanted a walking buddy to give her a call. So I did. Turns out that she and my nephew Josh were going to watch Tangled in the park. Would I come too?... YES! Yes I will come too! We got there early so we could claim good seats. We spent the next hour or so watching Josh play on the Jungle Jim. She has raised him so well. I had forgotten how much I loved hanging out with the two of them. When the movie finally started it had gotten a bit chilly. Katie and Josh shared their blanket with me :) It was so much fun to watch with Josh too because he is so dramatic! He loudly gasps when its a surprising moment, holds his breath when its suspenseful, full out belly laughs at the funny parts, and cheers the good guys on the whole time. What a blast! Katie says tomorrow there is a live performance of "The Flying Ninjas" Would Richard and I like to go? "YES!"
Since I had slept all day Thursday I just stayed up all night and when Richard got home we hung out for a while and he decided to take me to work. We got back to bountiful around noon and since we had both been up for 20 hours we crashed. The alarm goes off at 4:30pm (the flying Ninja's start in Ogden at 6) Do we really want to get out of this cozy bed to go see this? YES! It took us a little while to get going so we didn't get there til 6:30 but its OK they do another show at 8 :) We wander around and it was like a mini fair from back home in California. There are a bunch of classic cars out to look at. Artists and vendors everywhere.

We track down Katie and Josh in the music tent. Josh is wailing away at a drum set. He looks like a little rocker! This drum set is his most favorite thing EVER. I don't know if I have ever seen a kid love any thing as much as Josh loved playing this drum. We have fun talking with Katie while he plays. After a little while another child comes who wants to play the drums too. Katie tells Josh "Ok we have to share now," I internally gimace... "Oh no! this can't be good. No kid who loves something as much as Josh loves this drum set is going to give it up with out a fight" But my grimacing was for nothing. Josh lets out a little sigh hops of the stool and walks up to the other kid with the sticks. Josh cant talk but he is a master at using body language and eye contact to communicate. He looked at the other child and very clearly expressed: "Look I LOVE this drum set, but see that lady over there? Well she's my mom and she says I need to share so I'm going to give you these drum sticks, but just know that I Really REALLY love this drum set!" With that he very gently and politely hands the sticks over, lets out another little sigh and then rushes the key board, his second favorite thing in the tent. I was such a proud Aunt! I wanted to be like " HEY EVERBODY! Look at what a good little boy he is! Ya he's my nephew!

Next we go watch this activity where they zip you in a giant beach ball and let you roll around like a hamster but on water. It was hilarious! Someday I am totally going to buy one!
We checked out the cars and walked through all the fun booths. We ran into Chantelle and Jeremy. Chantelle was SO pregnant! It was great fun to hang out with them too!
Have you ever had the Hawaiian Chicken vendor food? If not you MUST! The aroma is so incredible it takes all you will power to not lick the booth! Lucky for us they were at this shindig and we could hardy wait to to chow down on some! We weren't very hungry yet though and decided to save it til after the show.
The show was fun to watch. It was totally scary though because they were just amateurs doing terrifying stunts. They fell and slipped a lot and I was sure someone was going to wind up dead! They finished the show in one piece though so that was good!
We went to go get Hawaiian Chicken Dinner IT WAS AMAZING! Richard and both were completely stuffed with spit barbecued chicken, shredded pork, green salad and rice, for only $10 for the two of us!
After a delicious dinner we went and watched an artist named Matt Sorensen. He uses spray paint and fire to make incredible art in about 20 mins!
Here is his web site so you can see him in action:
Champagne Super Nova (5 down) is really similar to the one we got to see him make. We stood mesmorized by his work for 30 mins easily but the burning paint fumes got too powerful for me to keep breathing. So we finally tore ourselves away from his amazing performance.
One of the booths Friday was for Prince Bodyworks Inc. They were offering free massages. Even with as much as I love massages I never say yes to these. I have had bad back and or shoulder pain since I was 18. I was hurting so bad though that I decided to swallow my pride and say YES to a free diagnosis and massage. Turns out fascia in my shoulders have been shortened and it is pulling on certain muscles that have in turn been tensing other muscles etc etc. Anyways after 5 mins of this lady working on me I felt like a brand new human being! IT WAS SOOOO AMAZING to be pain free even just for a little while. Richard is about to get heath insurance and as soon as he does I'm going go get a full length treatment! I'm so excited!
Chantelle had her baby around 4 on Saturday. She was 6lbs and 15 oz! This is a picture of her only a few hours after she was born.
Would we like to come visit them in the hospital? YES! Isnt she a cutie? Most newborns are kinda... well, you know... weird looking. But not Olivia! I think she was unusually cute for just being smushed through a birth canal. And you know how the mom of newborn usually looks like she's been run over by a truck? Not Chantelle! She was sitting up eating a sandwich looking all cute and perky. Holey smokes, I hope I look like that after I have babies! She was such a nice little baby and let me hold her for almost an hour without crying at all :) I even convinced Richard to hold her for a bit. It was totally cute :)
Later I'm going to write a full out post on this trip. I'm still processing a lot since this was my first 'Club' experience. I did have a great time though. I haven't gone dancing in sooo long and it was really fun to dress up and go out partying. I invented a really fun new hairstyle with Richards help. Its sort of fancy updo meets pretty in punk. I wish I had taken pictures. I will next time I do it. Also it made me SOOOO thankful for my big strong husband. He kept protecting me and my friends from all the creepers. There were so many! I don't think I would go to this particular club again but its a bit too much to delve into right now as this is already a HUGE post. I'll just leave it as I had a great time partying with my husband and friends :)
Well that's my week of YES! I'm excited to keep it up. For tonight though I'm just going to get the dishes and laundry done and apply for a new job opening I was emailed! Have a great week everybody!