Sunday, May 22, 2011

Pictures of our new place :)

Here they are finally :)


  1. Cute! But I'm a little bit scared to ask what is in all of the aquariums? haha!

  2. Lol no need to fear! The bottom aquarium is our adorable turtle Trinity (shes only about the size of a tennis ball and all spotty) and her 3 fishy friends.
    The next one up is home to Barbie and Kronk two of our leopard geckos (they might have babies soon!!)
    Then in the top tank live Shela our other leopard gecko and Stevie who is Eli's gecko (we are just baby sitting her for the summer)

  3. It looks so stylish! Hopefully I wan't be lame this time and I will actually see your place in person before it is time for you to move.
