With both of us being on night schedule getting to the post office is unusually difficult. We finally woke up around 3:40 pm. (Oh! Side note: a great system for telling what the equivalent time it is for us take the actual time and subtract 8 hours. For example if its 5 pm on the clock its 9 am in our morning.) I leisurely wander out to the kitchen to grab some breakfast. Then I see it -- the stack of boxes and envelopes. OH NO! Quick what time is it.... 3:40. What time does the post office close on Saturdays?... Uh... RICHARD! WHAT TIME DOES THE POST OFFICE CLOSE ON SATURDAYS?! ... No response. For as tiny as our home is sound does not travel well. I try yelling it again one more time and finally track him down. "Quick Honey! When does the post office close today?!?! At 4? Quick run! Run! We can make it! We can make it! We dash out the door, rush all the way there, run in the doors with 3 mins to spare and.... The post office closes at 2 on Saturdays... Really? Oh Well...
Hey what are all these tents set up on main street for? All of the shops on main had come out on to the street! Our favorite was the Happy Harbor Bread Co. They were sampling their sourdough bread. BEST EVER!!

In California there is the Redding Bakery and they make a loaf called the Extra Sour Dough Stubby. It is really, really good! Since I have left home however, I have tried multiple sourdoughs with no luck. Happy Harbor Bread wins! Its actually has a quite different texture than the Redding kind but I have to say its got that AWESOME sourdough flavor! Turns out the baker at HHB is from Sanoma County CA :) If you are in Utah you should definitely buy some. Here is the web site: http://www.hhbreadco.com/
We hung out with Richards family that evening. It was a smaller turn out then usual which was nice because Richard and I got to spend some quality time with Paxton, Wyatt and Kysa, our cute little nephews and niece. It finally just sunk in for Paxton that Richard and I are moving to Hawaii. He spent half the time we were there shaking the magic 8 ball so that it would say that we weren't leaving and would stay in Utah forever. They are some of the few things I actually will miss when we leave.

Salt Lake Daily Deals sends me emails for discounts on local things to do. This is one of the ones we got! It's wall to wall trampolines! We jumped for an hour! It was another 'you are more out of shape than you know' wake up call. We had soo much fun though! It had been 10 years since Richard had been on one and somewhere around 6 years for me. They have pits full of foam bricks that you can jump into. Getting out is exhausting!

We returned home sweaty but triumphant! Happy Weekend Everybody!
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