Story 1
In order to get any circulation in our house we have to open up the front door. I put it off as long as I can but eventually the stuffiness gets too much! I hesitantly open the door. WHOOSH! We get a wave of fresh cool air! Then it happens Do Do Doo DOOO The worlds smallest bugle sounds. An adorable little bug with too many legs and a Napoleon hat that is a bit to large for him calls: CHARGE!! and just like that the RolyPoly advance begins.

I have tried reasoning with them, "Why are you coming in here? There is nothing for you to eat in here. I keep it dry and clean. All this march will result in is your death!" I scoop them up in little handfuls to toss back in the lawn as I lecture them, "Everything you need is out here. Your lives out here are good!" But every night they come back. They are getting so used to this routine that they have stopped rolling into little balls when I pick them up!
I really don't mind sharing my home with a bug or two. In fact I have the cutest little spider (Charlotte) who keeps a tiny web between the stove and pantry. However she is self reliant! If I don't catch the rolypolys they just die. I vacuum up their poor little skeletons all the time! Charlotte ate one of the rolypolys the other day though and I almost threw her out! She is only supposed to eat the bad bugs. Richard said it wasn't her fault the rolypolys are stupid. I'm going to just have to be better about getting them out of the house.
Story 2
Contrary to popular belief I do not love all bugs. Mosquitoes, earwigs, and black flies make the hate list but at the top of this hate list sits the "Giant Roving Spider". After living with someone who grew up in Oklahoma (AKA Land of the colossus bugs) I have found I have to describe what huge is. Huge, when it comes to spiders, is anything that can't fit on a nickle. This particular batch would have trouble fitting on a 50 Cent piece. Roving spiders are wolf spiders and the like. Who a) grow way to large and b) don't build a web like a normal spider and sit in it but prowl around all creepy like!
Well these hideous monsters think its funny to hide in my bathtub. But not just in the bath tub. They hide in the curtain too so that when I'm all naked they can try and jump on my face! The worst part about these evil giant roving spiders is they just wont die! I'll try and scald/drown them with the water but they just run around like they are enjoying their bath. They just laugh at me when I try and us one of my shoes to kill them. I had to upgrade to Richards boots. Richad hit one 6 times with a Drain-o bottle before it finally died.
Most of all I am nervous because I cant tell the difference between a wolf spider (just looks deadly) and a hobo spider (deadly). Also this other type of spider keeps showing up it looks like this:
I finally found out what it was. It's a wood louse spider. (one of the just looks deadly). But this made me wonder? What is a wood louse? Turns out that wood louse is the ugly name for rolypolys! So now I have extra reason to get them out!
Oh and something of interest. If you remember last time I was at the coast Richard and I found under water rolypolys! They are called wood louses too. Look at how big they get though! YIKES!

ugghhhhh!!!!!! I HATE spiders. I can't believe you let one live in your home. you are crazy!
ReplyDeleteLOL! We have been having some bug problems, too. Thankfully the overabundance of cicadas have died off and now there's only a few outside in the trees... Unfortunately, I am still finding dead cicadas in my car and in Branden's car and in those other random corners that you swear you've cleaned since June but apparently still managed to acquire relatively large bug corpses.
ReplyDeleteThen there are the June bugs and moths that fly in every time Branden opens the door to the porch after sunset. (Branden is afraid of the moths!) And then there are spiders in our tub, but only in the tub itself... Well, and the same kind of spider on the floor next to the shoes and the floor next to the bed and the floor in the hallway. Branden thinks they are brown recluse but, for once, I'm not so sure.
Oh! And we had lots of tiny black ants that were coming in the door from the porch- thankfully not anywhere near the kitchen- and wandering aimlessly through the carpet.
It's been a buggy summer for us and I'm not really sure why!
LOVE those roly-poly guys! In honor of a long family history of roly-poly admirers here's a clip to remind you of Uncle Michael =)