Sunday, July 6, 2014

Steam Punk Hawaii

Though we don't have nearly as much down time here, we have still been crafting and selling steam punk stuff:

Several months ago my friend sent me an announcement. Steampunk Hawaii is having a meetup at the Ewa Train station.  We decided to go. 
Here are some of my favorite pics:

We met a bunch of fun people and they were so impressed with Richard's work they asked us to speak at a panel at Kawaii Kon (like Comic Con or Dragon Con but much smaller)

one of the attendee's drew these super cute sketches of us while we were presenting on how we create our props

We met with all kinds of people and even had a few fans. One guy was like "Its so great to meet you guys .. I know your work from the internet!" It was fun to connect with other artists and play dress up ;)

We just recently attended another 

And one of our writer friends just invited us to speak at Hoku Kon!

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