Friday, March 30, 2012

Day Gecko Rescue!

Richard saved this little Gold Dust Day Gecko from work. 
 The little guy had gotten comfy in his new bottle home and it took forever to coax him out,
Once he came out he ran up my arm and onto my head.
 He didn't want to leave there either
Luckily Richard was able to get him off
 Look at all those colors!
 He really liked the lemon tree. He stayed on it all night. 


  1. 1. Awesome looking gecko!
    2. Your hair looks like spun gold in that 2nd picture w/the gecko hair clip ;)
    3. Richard's looking very fit & handsome..
    4. LOVE that you can grow a lemon tree; I'm jealous!

  2. What a beautiful gecko! My brother the gecko rescuer, he is so cool. I think they need to start making gecko hair clips/headbands. Looked pretty good.
